
Friday, 26 July 2013

Product of the week #1

So... I have really neglected blogging recently and I don't actually have any excuse- my exams are over and I just haven't felt motivated. Because of this I decided not to clutter up my little space here with writing for the sake of it, but now I really am feeling inspired to write and have found some great new summer products so this isn't a promise it's a "I will really try" to blog at least weekly to update you on a new find or an old favourite that you might also enjoy!

So, that out of the way this weeks find is a waterproof mascara that is actually waterproof! Yes ladies it does exist- the new maybelline the rocket in the waterproof version!

Now normally I don't bother with waterproof formulas as I find that they usually aren't even splash-proof and there are other things higher on the agenda like length, volume etc. however this week has been a bit of a disaster eyes-wise, resulting in a trip to the hospital only to find out I have developed very severe hayfever! While that in itself is not a disaster (it's hardly life threatening and is controllable now I know) it does mean that until my symptoms die down and the medication kicks in my eyes have been streaming 24/7- to the extent that an old lady in asda thought I was crying! 
So I popped into boots and picked this up and I can safely say IT DOESN'T MOVE! 
I'm currently on 20 eye drops a day and its not even smudged. I also jumped off a boat into the sea (several times) the other day and it stayed perfectly in place, wow! I am impressed!

The brush of this mascara is a plastic one, which I don't normally go for but it is actually really good and I personally prefer this to the maybelline the falsies. It gives good volume as well as length and is relative cheap!

The one negative is it has such good lasting power I haven't actually managed to get it off with my make up remover, although this is probably a fault of owning a cheapie make up remover- I use the simple one. This has just made me yet more determined to get my hands on some bioderma, but until that wonderful day, any recommendations?

E x 

Hello Again!

So it's fair to say that the blog has been a little neglected recently, and no one feels worse about that than us *bowing our heads in shame*. But unfortunately those horrible little things known as exams showed their ugly faces and put our lives on hold! Then of course as I'm sure many of you will know, even the thought of any post exam mental activity (even writing an enjoyable blog post!) is not something that seems appealing for a good few weeks. However we are back, yay!!! And to be honest, bored of relaxing; so we're more determined than ever to share everything with you! We are going to get our acts together and plan all sorts of posts, from more beauty tips and product reviews, to more recipes, with a few lifestyle things thrown into the mix for good measure. So if you have any suggestions for posts, we would love to hear them; just comment below, or tweet us - @vanillavelvets !

Bye for now! x
(And we promise to have another proper post for you soon!)